Tag: victory

  • encourage conflict

    encourage conflict

    RULE 8: AVOID CONFLICT AT ALL COST. Filipinos are the most loving, non-confrontational people in the world. It is a strength but it is also a weakness. Many organizations failed to grow and improve because of the lack of healthy conflict. Most of the time when conflict arise, the person involve is the last one…

  • top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    My blog yesterday – FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION, I made a promise to write my top 10 mistake as a church planter. Here it goes 10. Tried to put too much gimmick I sometimes forgot that I have to preach the Word. 9. Trying to be like other churches when God has called us…

  • DL Moody on the Holy Spirit

    DL Moody on the Holy Spirit

    a word from DL Moody on the Holy Spirit: “Let others reject, if they will, at their own peril, this imperishable truth. I believe and am growing more into this belief, that divine, miraculous, creative power resides in the Holy Spirit…. Unless He attend the word in power, vain will be the attempt in preaching…

  • please fail…..

    please fail…..

    RULE #7: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. A lot of people have burned out from this rule. As much as I try to have a high level of excellence in our team one of the things I try to hard to instill our team is that failure is not an option, it is essential. If…

  • sitting pretty

    sitting pretty

    RULE #5 TO BREAK: ALWAYS BE BUSY, NEVER BE CAUGHT SITTING PRETTY. Here is a rule that might go against your “hardworking look” instinct. Since day one in school, we were taught how to always look busy. I have tried it a thousand times – “looking busy” but I was just fooling me. Busy does…