• Bench Deep

    Bench Deep

    Watching the 4th quarter of GAME 3 OF THE NBA FINALS  between the Celtics and the Lakers shows us the importance of a strong bench. There will always be off nights. There will be days when the main guys dont show up. When Paul Pierce, Garnett and Allen goes on a vacation and forgets how…

  • Positive Change for 2010

    If we are to achieve results never before accomplished, we must expect to employ methods never before attempted. – Sir Francis Bacon Some things I got from Tony Morgan’s book Killing Cockroaches and made some side notes. Churches that have IT are not stuck with the status quo. This is how we have been doing…

  • Lone Ranger Pastor

    Lone Ranger Pastor

    Who doesn’t want to see a church growing. I beleive it is every pastor’s dream to see their church grow. A pastor tries to do and implement everything he knows on how to make a church grow. So we end up with prayer meetings, worship night, evangelism explosion, 40 days fasting, adapt the latest church…

  • clean restrooms and church growth

    clean restrooms and church growth

    excerpt from Seth Godin’s blog: Two things are guaranteed at the remarkable DinTaiFung restaurant in Taipei: the extremely long line outside and the size/weight of their world famous steamed juicy pork dumplings. Each dumpling uses only the freshest ingredients, weighs a precise 0.74 oz, and has exactly 18 folds.  In 1993, NY Times named DinTaiFung…


    Now to get into a more controversial blog. Martin Nievera’s rendition of Lupang Hinirang has received mixed reviews. Some really really mad and some defending Martin’s new rendition of the song. Poor Martin didn’t see this coming. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pMyt2NAfOc] Now how does church planting and Martin’s song connect? A lot of new church planters and pastors…