Lone Ranger Pastor


412px-Lone_rangerWho doesn’t want to see a church growing. I beleive it is every pastor’s dream to see their church grow. A pastor tries to do and implement everything he knows on how to make a church grow. So we end up with prayer meetings, worship night, evangelism explosion, 40 days fasting, adapt the latest church growth fad – but the end result is the same – numbers stagnantes and drops after every major event.

I was reading an article on Outreach magazin that gives us some barriers to growth and I thought of making a blog series out of it. Here is the first barrier:


Are you the kind of leader that tries to do everything on your own. You run the prayer meeting, the bible study, the church service, the counselling, the funerals, the weddings, the sermon preparation?

Do you wish to have a team of empowered people/ pastoral staff to help you share the load?

Because if you look at reality, Lone Ranger can’t survive without Tonto.

So what do you do?

1. List things that other people can do for you?

2. List things that only you can do?

3. Empower your lay leaders to do the things others can do like leading a Bible Study or a small group, praying for people, visiting the sick, mentoring people.

4. Focus on the things that only you can do – preaching, pastoral services like weddings, funerals and training the saints for work of service and sunday prep. If that would still be too much for you, raise up pastors to help you with the load. Check out my blog on this, click here

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