The Best Can Come Together
In life, the best can come together. – Juray Mora It was when I got married to Thammie that I saw how God multiplied my fruitfulness in life and ministry. It was when I decided to be part of a local church and get involved in the community that I saw thousands of lives changed…
Eat This Book
I want to counter this widespread practice of taking personal experience instead of the Bible as the authority for living. I want to pull the Christian Scriptures back from the margins of the contemporary imagination where they have been so rudely elbowed by their glamorous competitors, and reestablish them at the center as the text…
Uncommon Marriage
Just finished reading the book of Tony and Laura Dungy “Uncommon Marriage” and enjoyed reading through the ups and downs of their marriage and how they were able to walk and work it out. It takes a lot of hard work to make the marriage work. Being married for twelve years, Thammie and I have…
Kindle Deals for April
BOLD TITLES are highly recommended and I’ve personally read. No bold titles are authors I know or things I’ve been wanting to read. Almost all books are $1.99 to $3.99. More reasons to transfer to kindle! Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Sully: My Search for What Really Matters Integrity by Henry Cloud The Thank You Economy…
Notes from the Meeting: Boundary Stones
I am starting something new on my website called notes from the meeting. I was taught a long time ago by my pastors that the best way to retain learnings is focus and taking down notes. I have seen this bear fruit in my life and have added other ways to maintain it. In fact,…