pimple update and sunday rewind
– sunday was one of the best sunday ever! – the band was amazing! the worship was amazing, Jesus is amazing! – seriously thinking of a morning service – watch out for that! – 5pm is full – we ask future visitors to attend the 3pm. – God the Father continues to amaze me. How…
rule #3 to break: YOU ARE THE MAN
YOU ARE THE MAN. SUPERMAN! THE MAN OF THE HOUR. START A DENNIS SY MINISTRIES. I’ve got news for you: You are not the MAN. I’ve learned that early in ministry and I plan to break this rule for the rest of my life. Planting a church in Greenhills is not easy. Too many things…
rule #2 to break
Be an autocratic leader. Big autocratic leaders works. or may I say worked before – I am not sure about NOW. Look at Iran right now, click here for the news. People are not responding to an autocratic style of leadership. Warren Bennis and Robert Townsend in their book “Reinventing Leadership” discuss the end of…
rule #1 to break
People say culture is automatic. It is inborn. You go to Victory and you see a culture of discipleship among its members. People are always talking about small groups and discipleship. From an outsider’s perspective – it seems that every member was born with the Victory culture in them. Culture is not automatic, it is…