Entry 4: Church Planting for Dummies
One thing that I am blessed of is the fact that I am surrounded with seasoned and successful church planters. I have been reading books on church planting but nothing compares to having someone impart to you valuable lessons they have learned as church planters. For all the dummies and clueless church planters here is…
Entry 3: When God closes the Window…..
A lot of people have approached me and have asked to be enlisted in our church plant in Green Hills. The team is almost complete – volunteers for youth ministry, kids ministry, children’s church, ushers, worship team, small group leaders and “whatever needs to be done” ministry. We have already found the perfect place for…
Entry 2: The Local Church is God’s Answer
I was in grade 6 (12 years old) when I first heard the MOST POWERFUL PREACHER share the word of God. Pastor Ferdie Cabiling instilled something in my heart that day – the passion for God and the passion for ministry. I approached him after his preaching and told him, “When I grow up I…
Entry 1: Clueless Church Planter?
Hi! This would be my first blog on church planting because I have never planted a church before. A month ago, I was asked by our church if I was ready to take part in leading a church plant. I wasn’t surprised that I was asked (but not because I thought I was ready) but…