Category: Uncategorized

  • Beautiful Theology, Bad Story

    Preachers have to understand that in our hands we hold the greatest story ever told. For 52 weeks, the people in church gives us 30 minutes – 60 minutes to talk about the most wonderful, truthful, absolute, infallible WORD OF GOD. What a privilege! Break down those hours and in a year we are given…

  • IPOD Worship

    IPOD Worship

    When I went to church in the 90’s I remember singing the same 20 songs for one year. We memorized, taken it into heart, we hum it, we have internalize the hymns. We can sing the song by memory and if you tell me to sing the songs I’ve learned in church 20 years ago…

  • Sunday Rewind #22

    – today was our annual volunteer’s Sunday where we challenge present volunteers to renew and encourage the others to volunteer and take part of what God is doing in His church. – church has really grown thus the need to double our volunteer base. We will be processing the commitment cards and will update of…

  • The Volunteer Goal

    The Volunteer Goal

    For the past two years we have literally survived with a very thin church staff. We have designed church to be this way to give people an opportunity to volunteer and serve Jesus – the highest privilege given to man. In our first year – I remember having only me and our admin Sheryn on…

  • The Legend of Don Roque

    The Legend of Don Roque

    Came from Dondon Roque’s funeral Sunday night and was overwhelmed with hundreds of people waiting from outside because the room was packed. Who would have thought that a simple man like Don Roque would leave such a lasting legacy that people flocked to pay their last respect to this man. We heard his story last…