Ministry Turf
The Youth Ministry has its own turf. The Kids ministry has their own turf. The Discipleship Ministry has its own turf and so on and so forth for every ministry in church. This usually happens to churches who have forgotten the BIG PICTURE of why they exists. Instead of working towards a common goal, different…
don’t get in the numbers game
One of the temptations every church pastor/planter face is to dwell on the numbers. Don’t get me wrong, I look at the number of people attending church every week. I assess the patterns and the seasons of the church. I know that every number represents a soul and that is the same reason I don’t…
Church people who loves anonymity dreads accountabilty. If people don’t know me – then it does not matter how I live my life – nobody knows and nobody cares. Not that nobody in church wants to know and care it is just Mr/Ms Anonymous prefers it that way. Remaining anonymous won’t challenge you to be…
I finally discovered the secret to lasting in ministry
What is the secret to LASTING LONG in ministry? What is the secret to not getting BURNED OUT? What is the secret to mighty men and women of God who endured the test of time? Studies show that a lot of pastors quit after two years of ministry. Every year thousands of pastors quit every…
blur views on evangelism and discipleship
Is there a difference between evangelism and discipleship? Lots of churches have an evangelism committee/ministry and a discipleship ministry. Churches have evangelsim programs and discipleship programs. Churches would normally have two teams – one team for evangelism and the other team for discipleship. BUT if you clearly look at the biblical pattern you would see…