Category: church planting

  • Entry 8: Church in the Mall

    Victory Christian Fellowship has been known for its 3M in church planting. The 3m’s are movies, MALLS and ministry. Aside from our Green Hills church plant, we are also thinking of planting churches in 20 locations all over Metro Manila in the next 3 years, which means there would be a wave of clueless church…

  • Entry 7: Meetings that will change the world

    Today is meeting day. Starting from 9am we had our Fort Staff meeting. Talked a little bit about Greenhills update and youth ministry transition. Got a lot of leadership lessons from our 3-hour meeting. After the meeting, had another meeting to talk about youth ministry transition. After lunch, had a meeting with our University of…

  • Entry 6: Clueless Church Planter Recap

    Here are Leadership Lessons for the clueless church planter: 1. Transition well from your previous ministry assignment.2. Learn from people who’s been there. Get all the help you can get.3. Be sold out with the idea that the Local Church is God’s answer for national transformation.4. When God closes a window, He would open a…

  • Entry 5: What Will Happen to the Youth Ministry?

    My passion has always been youth ministry! By far, they are the most exciting people I have worked with. I have been a youth worker for almost 12 years and I am currently handling a bunch of creative, crazy, passionate young people at VCF -Fort Bonifacio. and Victory Youth Live at Market Market Parents have…

  • Entry 4: Church Planting for Dummies

    One thing that I am blessed of is the fact that I am surrounded with seasoned and successful church planters. I have been reading books on church planting but nothing compares to having someone impart to you valuable lessons they have learned as church planters. For all the dummies and clueless church planters here is…