– Last Sunday was awesome. We started off our series “WANT MONEY?” and Pastor Chinkee delivered a powerful message on God’s ownership. We had a number of people who got saved last Sunday. – One of them is someone who has been attending church for the past 3 months. Sunday was her day! She finally…
where are we going?
Had a terrific night with some singles and young couples in church last night. Ever since starting the church God has really given us the burden (drive, the call, the grace or whatever you might want to call it) to reach the next generation. I am not just talking about students and the youth but…
you guys might have heard about the PORTALET – the protable toilet that you usually see during concerts held outside a building.have you heard of a PORTACHURCH? it is a current trend among many churches now who can’t afford or would want to wait for funds to come before they build their own building. Such…
dream for the clueless church planters
– one of the things I am blessed with when we planted the church in Greenhills were the numerous advisers and successful church planters who gave their inputs to our team prior to our opening.– I am very privilege to be part of the Victory family. I never imagined planting a church with 80 leaders…
a church planter to watch out
Yesterday was my favorite Sunday. We had Acel Van Ommen – my favorite singer performed her upcoming hit single “Laugh and Cry” – my favorite song. Her song reminds me of God’ s love which is the only reason I laugh and cry at the same time.Yesterday one of my favorite preacher, Nixon Ng, the…