Month: June 2009

  • rule 6 revisited

    As what I said in my post, ask questions. Some might say – really but my boss or bizmates are pissed when I ask too much question. So where do I draw the line? Here are some guidelines: 1. Ask yourself why do i ask questions? Is it because I was not paying attention when…

  • break the 6th commandment

    RULE #6: DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS. Most of the things I have learned – it is because I ask. Any questions?

  • sitting pretty

    sitting pretty

    RULE #5 TO BREAK: ALWAYS BE BUSY, NEVER BE CAUGHT SITTING PRETTY. Here is a rule that might go against your “hardworking look” instinct. Since day one in school, we were taught how to always look busy. I have tried it a thousand times – “looking busy” but I was just fooling me. Busy does…

  • Please everybody

    Please everybody

    Here is a simple test: I’ll say something and tell me the first thing that came to your mind. 1. Colgate 2. Starbucks 3. Volvo Most likely these are your answers: 1 toothpaste, 2. coffee. 3. safety. How about if I say the word CHURCH – what is the first word that pops out of…

  • pimple update and sunday rewind

    pimple update and sunday rewind

    – sunday was one of the best sunday ever! – the band was amazing! the worship was amazing, Jesus is amazing! – seriously thinking of a morning service – watch out for that! – 5pm is full – we ask future visitors to attend the 3pm. – God the Father continues to amaze me. How…