Tag: success coach

  • Daily Grind 20: Mental Toughness

    Daily Grind 20: Mental Toughness

    Have you watched basketball games where both teams are tied and the one shooting the free throw would decide the outcome of the game. If you’ve seen Michael Jordan, Larry Bird or Kobe Bryant during those crucial moments you will know what I mean. A great player is calm during the most tense moments of…

  • Daily Grind 18: Talent does not Guarantee Success

    Daily Grind 18: Talent does not Guarantee Success

    Not all talented people end up to be successful. In fact a lot of talented people are not successful. Talent is a requirement. It is the baseline of success but to be on top of your game – it would take more than talent. Seeing successful people thrive, we can see common denominators among them. …

  • Daily Grind 17: It doesn’t matter if it is feedback or criticism

    Daily Grind 17: It doesn’t matter if it is feedback or criticism

    The only difference between feedback and criticism is the way you hear it, and I heard it all – Tim Grover  It’s always the way we hear it. Growing up I never knew how to manage my reaction when I get feedback or criticism. Even the nicest feedback would hurt my ego and I know…

  • Daily Grind 15: Discipline 

    Daily Grind 15: Discipline 

    Discipline begets discipline. Discipline follows a rhythm. You need to focus your strength first on one big thing you need to adjust and teach yourself and most of the time- the domino effect happens. Let me give you an example. Two months ago, I ordered a fried fish and chips for lunch. After eating the…

  • Daily Grind 14: Staying Successful is the Hard Work

    Daily Grind 14: Staying Successful is the Hard Work

    Becoming successful in our age today is within everybody’s reach. The Internet has been the human equalizer.  All of us have access to the same knowledge, same opportunities and platforms to spread our ideas. It means success is at hand if we only work hard and discover our strengths. Success is not the hard work.…