Tag: focus

  • Why Mission Brings Focus

    Why Mission Brings Focus

    Have you ever been part of a group where there is no mission? Or have you been part of a church, attending every week, but you don’t know the reason why the church was first started? A church is designed to be a community with a mission. God has given the church gifts to serve…

  • God’s Momentum

    God’s Momentum

    Here is what I shared with our team this afternoon as we are gearing up to God’s move in our city. I do pray that as a pastor and church planter that I do not try to crank up the ministry work in the flesh so here are 5 ways to ride God’s momentum. 1.…

  • value blogs and tweets

    Starting today I will be more intentional in my blogging. The reason I started my own site was to chronicle the church plant adventures and the lessons ( mistakes and great things) that we have done. The heart of my site was to inform, exchange notes and bless my fellow church planters, pastors of churches…

  • 30 books that shaped me

    30 books that shaped me

    Everybody knows I love books. My house is literally a bookstore. Not only do I love reading books – I collect them. If others collect game cards, other cars – I collect books. So here are th 30 books that shaped me 1. BIBLE – I’ve read it from cover to cover every year since…



    For the past year I tried to start at least 5 websites but have managed to maintain only one. I started with my cluelesschurch site a t blogspot and started my second one – the clueless money man, then my 3rd clueless fitness, then my 4th dennissy.com and tried to start a 5th one 4…