Tag: dennis sy

  • Sunday Rewind #26

    – had to wake up early because my 2 daughters were so noisy and asking me to wake up and eat with them. Anyway – after exerting the will to get out of bed we had an 8am breakfast. – got to church early also since Thammie is singing so had time to do my…

  • beach running

    beach running

    Here is the complete “RUNNING AT THE BEACH PURSUING YOUR WIFE” drama caught by the lens of Paolo Punzalan.


    GOT THIS FROM PASTOR STEVE MURRELL’S BLOG Every leader, every pastor, every minister must deal wiTh the work, the weight and the war of the ministry. 1. The WORK of the ministry includes making disciples, equipping ministers, empowering leaders and teaching the Word. This is the easy part. 2. The WEIGHT of the ministry includes…

  • Happy Anniversary GA!

    Happy Anniversary GA!

    Since our courtship days Thammie and I decided that we will call each other GA or Pangga which means darling in Bisaya. The reason we started calling each other GA because we couldn’t stand hearing terms of endearment like HONEY BUNCH, SWEETIE PIE, or the likes. But let me warn you: this would be cheesy:…

  • Lunch with the PlanetShakers

    Lunch with the PlanetShakers

    I was given a rare opportunity to have lunch last Friday with one of the hottest worship band in the world, Planet Shakers. I was really blessed to learn so many things about their church and ministry. During lunch I was able to talk and ask questions to Rudy – one of their singers/youth pastor…