The Truth Behind Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare. Powerful word. Word with lots of baggages. A word Satan and his demons don’t want to hear but in certain ways they have twisted. Before you even go and do spiritual battle – you first have to know the starting point of spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is not being this superhero who will…
And he did it again! To run 50 kilometers everyday in less than 50 days at the age of 50 is supernatural. According to his pacers and friends – as the days go by -Pastor Ferdie keeps getting stronger. Here is a report on TV Patrol on Ferdie’s run to help the scholars!
It’s Got to be in You
We are on our 2nd week of our series Behind the Seen looking at the third person of the trinity – the Holy Spirit. A lot of people are fascinated with the Holy Spirit and what the Spirit can do. As I read through the Bible you would see a key principle when it comes…
How Kerby Raymundo Changed the Game
Sports fan knows Kerby Raymundo. A PBA all-star, winning championships left and right and dubbed as the Kevin Garnett of Philippine Basketball. Kerby entered the PBA league at a young age because coaches see his potential to becoming a dominant force in the PBA. Kerby changed the game of basketball in his time. This year,…
#MayForever: Naked and Not Ahshamed
Here is the 4th part of the blog on my marriage series. Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed until something happened that change the way we look at sex and love. Find out in this video how we can help build vulnerability in our marriage.