last 2 sundays u cant miss
We are wrapping up our series on Why Christmas this Sunday. Pastor Chinkee will be preaching. he has this message cooked up already since last week. That is how excited he is with the message this Sunday. I think his message will change your life!!! Please invite all your friends and family to join us…
producing leaders or disciples?
I finished the book of Bill Hybels “When Discipleship and Leadership collides?”. A powerful book that I recommend every church planter should have. While reading the book – a question kept popping up. Am I called to produce leaders or disciples? Leadership is an overrated concept we use in church today. If we look at…
Appreciation night, 1st year, Christmas all in one
check out our pics
Prior to the 8th month of our church, some elders ( mature people) approached me and told me about a concern they have in how the church is run. This people who approached me were some of the most sold out, loyal, God-minded people you could ever ask for in a member of a church.…
kids church pastor
I am happy, ecstatic, excited to announce that VICTORY GREENHILLS has a new KIDS CHURCH PASTOR.MR. LARRY UY Larry has not only been a fellow worker in the Lord for the past year in our church but also a dear friend of our family. Me and my wife are blessed to have Larry and Yet…