what if Katrina Halili and Hayden Kho attends church this Sunday?
I have been raring to blog this thought but kept on postponing it but anyway here is my answer: Two of the most controversial personalities in my church? A starlet w and a doctor who records his sexcapades. A sex scandal that rocked the Philippines that we momentarily forgot about the Ah1n1 virus and the…
vintage preaching
here are some more lessons I am learning and currently applying as I read the book VINTAGE CHURCH by Mark Driscoll 6 questions as I prepare my message 1. The Biblical Question: What does Scripture say? – full concentration on the passage – read different translations – ESV, NKJV, NIV – www.logos.com 2. The Theological…
4 kinds of Preaching Style
I will be teaching later in our School of Campus Ministry. I am excited to have a chance to speak to my fellow workers about a topic I am passionate about – preaching. The Bible puts a high premium on preaching. 2 Tim 4:2 commands us to ministers to PREACH THE WORD. There are 4…