Apostle Paul and Beyonce’s theology of marriage
My wife- as most of you know is one of the most beautiful woman in the world (and I’m not even exaggerating yet) I remember the first time I saw her – all I could say was WOOOO!!!! Man! When I started conversations with her – it made her more attractive. She was not only…
The Love Way
An important rule that I live by: Spread the love by spreading your network without expecting anything in return. I call it ROIR – return on investments in relationships. ROIR never goes wrong. The worst thing that can happen is that he does not reciprocate but he still ends up blessed. Whenever I meet like-minded…
The Missional Church
For those of us who have our sights set on reaching secular people in our increasingly post Christian society, we must step back and figure out what our mission field’s cultural landscape looks like. – Mittleberg Now is a high time to be missional in our thinking. If you are a church planter, there is…
value blogs and tweets
Starting today I will be more intentional in my blogging. The reason I started my own site was to chronicle the church plant adventures and the lessons ( mistakes and great things) that we have done. The heart of my site was to inform, exchange notes and bless my fellow church planters, pastors of churches…