Category: Uncategorized

  • Lebron’s Tweet, Karma and what the Bible says

    Lebron’s Tweet, Karma and what the Bible says

    During the 4th quarter game between Cleveland and Lakers, King Lebron tweeted This brought a lot of negative press for Lebron. Lebron was tweeting on the way Cleveland owner dishonored him when he left the Cleveland franchise to play for Miami Heat. Karma is something that people believe in. I have been asked so many…

  • Being ACTS church

    Being ACTS church

    For this year, I was asking the Lord where He wants to lead the church. God gave me 3 words for the church aside from aggressively making disciples of all nations which I think should be a given for every church plant. One of the word was that our church would be like the Acts…

  • Noynoy’s Porsche

    Noynoy’s Porsche

    I was in a taxi last Friday when the driver commented rudely on how gas prices are going up and our President had the guts to purchase a PORSCHE.He was really irked with the thought of a president getting a luxury car when most people are living below the poverty line.He then proceeded to curse…

  • The prayer that reunited a family ( stories from the fast)

    The prayer that reunited a family ( stories from the fast)

    First Sunday of this month I was with my Mama and my younger brother at our Victory-church in Greenhills when the pastor shared a message that this year will be the  “Year of the Lord’s favor” (Year of double-double) he challenged and encouraged us to start writing our personal faith goals. And so I started…

  • more stories from the fast

    more stories from the fast

    Lysa’s Breakthrough Ever since I joined Victory and surrendered my life to Jesus,I looked forward to Prayer and Fasting every single year. Something I never thought I will be looking forward for in this lifetime. But truly by God’s grace I am able to sustain and enjoy every moment of it. Let me share how…