Category: Life Planning

  • Small, Smart Choices

    Small, Smart Choices

    Small, smart choices + consistency + Time = Radical Difference  – Darren Hardy If you fall short of your life goals, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on your daily choices. Consider your routines, goals, schedules, and values all significantly shape your path to personal growth. The easy route is to blame someone for it.…

  • Chat GPT, AI, and Our Future

    Chat GPT, AI, and Our Future

    So I finally caved in and tested CHAT GPT with the urging of my friends to check it out. I was living under the fear that AI would dominate human beings. I remember how Elon Musk and Jack Ma debated AI technology and how both have opposing views on the subject. Elon insists that AI…

  • Emotionally Healthy Leaders

    Emotionally Healthy Leaders

    A study in 2002 by the Department of Psychiatry at the Ohio State University College of Medicine showed that negative emotions could intensify a variety of threats to our physical health, from degrading immune system and inflammation which has been linked to cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even certain cancers.…

  • How I Receive My Calling

    How I Receive My Calling

    I am often asked how I received my calling from God to be a full-time pastor. People who know our family was surprised to see a family member enter the ministry. We came from a family of business people. We were groomed to take over the family business. It did help to have a family…

  • The Three Life Questions That Changed Me

    The Three Life Questions That Changed Me

    A missionary doctor was in our home when he shared the three most important questions people universally ask. His talk though short, was life-transforming for a young person like me. His three questions were: His talk led me on a journey as a fifteen-year-old boy to find the reason for my existence. These questions were…