Category: discipleship


    DISCIPLESHIP AND CHURCH GROWTH In every Victory church you would see 4 common words plastered in our walls. HONOR GOD, MAKE DISCIPLES. This is who we are, this is why we exist. Honor God and make disciples. God has called His church to make disciples. In his last words to the church, He says, “All…

  • principles vs methods

    the purpose driven life campaign the G12 movement the laughter revival THE NEXT GREAT FAD OF CHURCH GROWTH WE PROMISE IT WOULD MAKE YOUR CHURCH GROW Does it really work? If we follow the latest fads or methods to church growth we might end up confused and frustrated. Methods are very subjective. it might work…

  • Potlucks, Coffee and some Chai Tea Latte

    I am posting this blog due to insistent, consistent demand of my fellow pastor, Chinkee Tan. A number of church planters have asked me how we started the church plant in Greenhills. What did we do? What were some important things that transpired before the church plant. Here is the answer: Potlucks, Coffee and some…