Category: church planting

  • entry 21; the reality is sinking in…..

    If negotiations push thru as scheduled in less than a month’s time, we are starting the VCF Greenhills church. Here are some of the updates and insights for the week – tomorrow we would have a prayer walk at Greenhills shopping center where Music museum is located. If you are interested to join – just…

  • Entry 19: Clueless Update

    Hey, its been a long time since I haven’t blog but the week has been pretty exciting. We are on the final stage of finalizing our negotiations for our facilities. So check out next week’s blog about the details. We visited our church construction at Robinson’s Pioneer that Pastor Luther Mancao is leading. Seeing the…

  • Entry 18: Overwhelmed and Challenged

    – just got back from our occular visit at Greenhills with my good friends, Paolo, Dr Jun and Sheryn. We checked out the place at OB Montessori and was turned down by the manager of the place which means we don’t have a place for our kids church.– we went to check the classrooms for…

  • Entry 17: Defining VCF Greenhills Church

    VCF Greenhills would be……. – a praying church. Check out our 1st ever prayer meeting! Awesome time with our leaders.– a simple church. Our church would be clear in its purpose that everything we do will revolve around ENGAGING THE LOST, ESTABLISHING BELIEVERS IN THE FAITH, EQUIPPING THEM TO MINISTER AND EMPOWERING THEM TO MAKE…

  • Entry 16: VCF GreenHills opening soon!

    – had our prayer meeting last tuesday. Powerful meeting.– realized that God says in His word, “I will build my church” – which means it is not our part to make it grow, it is God’s job. It’s good to be clueless and let God work His way.– ” When I am weak, then He…