why church?
THE CHURCH exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose – CS Lewis, Mere Christianity how about you? why…
measuring success
How do you measure success in church? There has been a raging debate on how to measure success in church. A group of church growth specialists says that the way to measure success is through the number of people attending your church while another group says playing the numbers game is not a good measurement…
principles vs methods
the purpose driven life campaign the G12 movement the laughter revival THE NEXT GREAT FAD OF CHURCH GROWTH WE PROMISE IT WOULD MAKE YOUR CHURCH GROW Does it really work? If we follow the latest fads or methods to church growth we might end up confused and frustrated. Methods are very subjective. it might work…
the heart of the volunteer
– one of the things I love to brag about are our volunteers. They are some of the craziest, godliest people in the world.– Sunday was one of our biggest Sundays ever! More people means more work for our volunteers. It is just amazing how we don’t even hear or experience complains from our volunteers.–…
We had our launch last Wednesday. More than 100 of our existing leaders joined us as we dedicate the place to the Lord. click here to see the pics. ENTER TO SEE VICTORY CENTER