Month: August 2010

  • Magic 89.9 Big Daddy shares how Jesus got a hold of him

    Victory Greenhills, a church in the Philippines, meets at Music Museum, Greenhills Shopping Center, San Juan 3pm and 5pm.

  • the more personal….

    ….. the more EFFECTIVE. This is the secret if you want to be effective in almost anything. Discipleship, evangelism, inviting people to church, conversations are far more effective than announcing something on the pulpit, giving out flyers, having a super duper nice poster – all those are impersonal and ineffective in communicating to your people…

  • Billy Graham on Church Planting and Discipleship

    Billy Graham on Church Planting and Discipleship

    (Author: David Mathis) from Desiring God blogsite Billy Graham once was asked, “If you were a pastor of a large church in a principal city, what would be your plan of action?” In the modern-day classic The Master Plan of Evangelism (which has gone through over 100 printings since it was first published in 1963),…

  • Doing things that Matter

    Only do what you can do. If you can delegate the other work so you can focus on doing the things you are supposed to be doing – do so! What are some things as a pastor that only you can do: 1.    Your own personal development – your walk with God is something you…


    Date night with my wife and we watched SALT. Enjoyed the movie from start to finish. Action packed and it is the edge of your seat movie because you don’t know what will happen next. I love the unpredictability of the movie. Also – for a long time, finally a movie with no sex scenes.…