Women and How Jesus Elevated Them


Matthew 27

54 When the centurion and those with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

55 There were also many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him, 56 among whom were Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.

Isn’t it interesting to see that the moment Jesus gave His life, and the veil was torn, the earthquake happened, the rock split and the tombs were opened, and the Roman soldiers declared that Jesus was indeed the Son of God (That’s a mouthful of highlights), the scene ends with the writer pointing out that the women (the two Mary’s) were there till the end?

Who persevered? Who got the recognition from the gospel writers? The women who were with Jesus. Isn’t it also interesting that the men (Jesus’ disciples betrayed, denied, and hid from their master) during this time?

We often highlight the men of the Bible and the men of our times when Scripture clearly highlights the women with Jesus who were with him amid persecution, death, and discrimination against women. Could Matthew 27 highlight the faith of these women in the absence of the men who were supposed to be there? ( I am just asking curious questions and not making a theological statement)

Isn’t the command of Paul to let women not speak in church a rebuke to the men of the church who failed to teach and lead, manage their household, and have a good relationship with their spouse to be a sanctifying husband that led to some women teaching the Scripture inadequately? (again something we all need to ask) It is interesting to note that during those times, men were given access to education while women were not, which is different from our context today. In the backdrop, Priscilla and Aquilla equipped Apollos to preach and teach the Scripture. (Acts 18:26)

Women in ministry (lay leaders, teachers, pastors) should be given the honor due to them. We, the church, should not put women in a box. Acts 2 declared that in the last days, the Spirit of the Lord would come upon men and women alike, and they will prophesy.

Again these are some thoughts that I have after reading Matthew 27. I am not here to talk to people who disagree because Facebook is not the avenue for it. However, I would encourage people who disagree with this view to read other perspectives so that healthy discourses might happen in your local church.

One of the best exposition and teaching I heard about women in ministry and preaching is from Pastor Dave Ward. I do hope you take the time to listen to this:

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