To start the year right, we had Mr. Carlo Ople drop by in our strategic planning. In his message to the staff, he shared how he was able to pivot and lead during the global pandemic crisis.
Carlo has leveraged the different social media platforms to spread his message.
Some key learnings personally for me:
1. Digital is not a department – it is an era.
2. You are not a digital leader. You are a leader who lives in the digital area.
3. Different platforms require different treatments. Not because you post it on Facebook and it worked, the same results will happen on other platforms. Study the platforms where you put your content.
4. We have a message that the world needs. We all need hope and stability in times of crisis. Lead your tribe well.
Showing you also a picture of how we can get it wrong when it comes to digital and we need to be open to the changes happening around us.