Tag: victory

  • weak numbers

    This month has been quite crazy – we are already planning for our 4th service this coming November 21 since our place is already full. One of the things we are really guarding against is to get suck into the numbers game. Numbers are important if you ask me but the numbers that are important…

  • The Immutable God

    Here is the message I preached on the topic IMMUTABLE GOD

  • Pastor Rice Broocks on the Evangelist and the Missional Church

    Pastor Rice Broocks on the Evangelist and the Missional Church

    The Evangelist and the Missional Church Let me offer this definition: “The ministry gift of the Evangelist is given by the Holy Spirit to women and men to preach the gospel to unbelievers and to equip other believers to do the same, while leading the entire community of faith (to which they are connected) to…

  • the more personal….

    ….. the more EFFECTIVE. This is the secret if you want to be effective in almost anything. Discipleship, evangelism, inviting people to church, conversations are far more effective than announcing something on the pulpit, giving out flyers, having a super duper nice poster – all those are impersonal and ineffective in communicating to your people…

  • Doing things that Matter

    Only do what you can do. If you can delegate the other work so you can focus on doing the things you are supposed to be doing – do so! What are some things as a pastor that only you can do: 1.    Your own personal development – your walk with God is something you…