Tag: victory


    GREAT INSIGHTS FROM STEVE ADDISON – AUTHOR OF THE BOOK “MOVEMENTS THAT CHANGE THE WORLD. The five characteristics are: white-hot faith, commitment to a cause, contagious relationships, rapid mobilization and adaptive methods. White-hot faith is the engine room of a dynamic movement. The apostle Paul was not converted by clever arguments but through a powerful…

  • Sunday Rewind #8

    Sunday Rewind #8

    – great service today. Looking at the place, it seems like today is our biggest Sunday. – love it that a lot of people decided to follow Jesus today. It never fails to amaze me! – Johann and the worship team were great – Cello’s song number kinda helped me with my message – I…

  • the James 1 challenge

    ¶ Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  James 1:22 Preached in Greenhills today after being out of the pulpit for 3 weeks. What a way to start my preaching again – James is a HARD BOOK not because of its theology but its blunt command for…

  • lunch with WISDOM

    I just had lunch with a couple from church who has tremendously helped us in planting Greenhills church. Boni and Estela are my spiritual heroes and our conversation today made me appreciate them more. They are not only my heroes – they are superheroes. Here are the things that they have imparted to me and…

  • what’s IT?

    what’s IT?

    I was being interviewed last Thursday and was asked “What is the IT factor of Victory?”, “What is the magic that keeps this movement alive and growing?” The answer I gave was “THE CULTURE THAT THE LEADERS CREATE” 1. Leadership is not positional. For the past 18 years of being in Victory – it has…