Tag: victory greenhills

  • You can only choose one

    You can only choose one

    I was listening to a preaching podcast and the topic was on faith. Pastor Craig Groeschel was talking about how people have only one option but two choices when it comes to leadership – faith or control. The world in general tell us to always choose control. We have that innate desire to always be…

  • HOPE


    When you have nothing, everything is possible! I heard somebody said before that we need to focus on where are moving to , not from where we are moving from! We sometimes get stuck on our present situation that we lose hope of what the future holds. We have seen great men come from nothing…

  • Marriage is Deeper than Love

    Marriage is Deeper than Love

    Here is the 3rd installment of my marriage series where I discuss about marriage being deeper than love and how this looks like in a marriage relationship.

  • The Secret to Lasting Marriage

    The Secret to Lasting Marriage

    In the 2nd part of a six week series on MARRIAGE, Pastor Dennis shares the foundation of a strong marriage. You might be surprise on the secret to a strong marriage

  • The Big Rock of Marriage

    We are exposed to so many teachings about marriage. So called experts tells us that there are BIG ROCKS in marriage but in spite of our knowledge of the so called big rocks of marriage – why are couples still struggling in marriage. This is the 1st of the 6th part series on Will You Marry…