Tag: tony morgan

  • Six Elements of a Healthy Church by Tony Morgan

    Six Elements of a Healthy Church by Tony Morgan

    Part of what I do when I start a church consulting engagement is make sure all the critical pieces for a healthy ministry are present. Secondly, I ask questions and review communications and practices to see what elements get the most focus. I believe a healthy organization includes all six of these elements: 1. Purpose…

  • Leading Volunteers

    Leading Volunteers

    “A good ministry leader will excel in developing collaboration, giving volunteers appropriate ownership, creating authentic relationships where team based ministry is the expectation and not just something that’s talked about. Leaders of volunteers do much more coaching than dictating. It’s that leadership style that keeps volunteers in the game.” – Tony Morgan



    So engrossed reading my book for the month “KILLING COCKROACHES and other scattered musings on Leadership” by  Tony Morgan. The book made me think of the things I do that I shouldn’t be doing ( that is the meaning of killing cockroaches). I’ll be blogging from time to time the lessons I am learning from…