Tag: theology

  • Lead and Live with Embrace

    Lead and Live with Embrace

    I heard the line – Hate the sin, love the sinner. It’s a good slogan, but many don’t come to pass the line hate the sin. We hear people talking about their views and standing on something in whatever social issues we face. Many opposing camps use different Scriptures to back up their convictions among…

  • Therapy has Taken Over Theology

    I was having dinner with some new friends when one of the man shared how he is going through a Christian program right now to trace whatever hurt and why his life is like how it is today. After weeks of going through the program – the reason for his miserable life was traced because…

  • God Showed Up? Really?

    I think we all have said this or heard someone said this of our worship time in church. “Wow, God showed up!!! Felt the presence of God!!!” or ” I felt like the presence of God was not there. He did not show up today.” I think something is wrong with this kind of thinking.…

  • Copying Coolness

    Copying Coolness

    Hey bro, check this out…. we have a Christian version of…….. youtube, my space, facebook, clubbing, fashion and whatever the world think is cool. We have created Godtube, christianster, christian clubbing, christian whatever is cool -let’s just mix some Christian subculture and it becomes sanctified. The Bible talks about Christians being light of the world…

  • Beautiful Theology, Bad Story

    Preachers have to understand that in our hands we hold the greatest story ever told. For 52 weeks, the people in church gives us 30 minutes – 60 minutes to talk about the most wonderful, truthful, absolute, infallible WORD OF GOD. What a privilege! Break down those hours and in a year we are given…