Tag: sin

  • Sin is not small

    John Piper wrote: “Sin is not small, because it is not against a small Sovereign. The seriousness of an insult rises with the dignity of the one insulted. The Creator of the Universe is infinitely worthy of respect and admiration and loyalty. Therefore, failure to love him is not trivial.” Source: John Piper, The Passion…

  • How the Consequences of our Sin shows God’s Mercy

    I have personally experienced consequences to my sin. I made dumb decisions that lead to consequences. Whether it was a wrong financial decision, we had to live through what I decided. For some it might be a sexual sin that destroyed their marriage. And when we realized how we have wronged God and sinned against…

  • How we are Tempted and How we Give In

    How we are Tempted and How we Give In

    Psalms 1 1 Blessed is the manwho walks not inthe counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of the LORD,  and on his law he meditates day and night. Our new pastor BB shared to us…

  • Sin is a fake imitation of something real

    “All those who wander far away and set themselves up against you are imitating you, but in a perverse way; yet by this very mimicry they proclaim that you are the Creator of the whole of nature and that in consequence there is no place whatever where we can hide from your presence.” Augustine, Confessions,…

  • In Exchange for What?

    Everytime you are tempted to sin and give in to the cravings of your flesh, you have to always remind yourself of what Christ did on the cross and the victory, blessing and favor of following and obeying Jesus. Recently had a conversation with Pastor Larry about sin and he gives a timely reminder when…