Tag: preaching

  • I Don’t Like Offensive Preachings

    Remember my blog about the guy who walked out in the middle of my preaching last year, well he is back. The same guy!!! Two weeks ago, I realized that this was the same guy who walked out shouting last year and he is sitting in the front row. In fact, this guy has been…

  • Unusual Day

    Got a call 630am in the morning that one of our neighbors attending church needed pastoral help. Their household help is being possessed by demons. I was there by 745am and declared God’s deliverance over the lady possessed by demons. My dilemna was that I had a preaching engagement at 9am in Quezon City so…

  • How to Stand Firm in the Midst of the Battle

    Here was a preaching last year looking at Ephesians 6. I preached don’t how we could stand firm in the midst of battle.

  • Manny Pacquiao on the Gospel

    Manny Pacquiao preaching the message of the gospel. Wasak ito!!!!

  • Ten Commandments for Preachers

    Sinclair Ferguson asks: What Ten Commandments, what rule of preaching-life, do I wish someone had written for me to provide direction, shape, ground rules, that might have helped me keep going in the right direction and gaining momentum in ministry along the way? Here is an outline of his answers: Know your Bible better. Be…