• Baby Step 5 to a Marriage Makeover

    Baby Step 5: KNOW YOUR ROLES AS HUSBAND AND WIFE AND STICK TO IT. I’ll make this brief. Husband’s role: Leader, protector, provider, spiritual head, , decision maker, pursues his wife Wife’s role Suitable helper, encourager, helps in decision making process, number 1 fan of husband. Now honestly assess where you are in your God-given…

  • Baby Step 4 to a Marriage Makeover

    Baby Step 4: DATE YOUR SPOUSE AND TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEMS YOU ARE CURRENTLY FACING. IT WOULD BE ADVISABLE TO HAVE AN OBJECTIVE PERSON PRESENT IN THIS TALK. Face the brutal facts! Youre marriage is not where it is because of the problems you are currently facing but it could go where God wants it…

  • rule 9 to break: be perfect

    rule 9 to break: be perfect

    Whoah! You want me to mess it up big time and not embrace perfectness? Yes – if it overtaking your authenticity and your personality as a church. HUH? Perfect doesn’t always mean WOW. Let me give you some real life examples from the church world. Cathedrals and church buildings that are well maintained but are…

  • DL Moody on the Holy Spirit

    DL Moody on the Holy Spirit

    a word from DL Moody on the Holy Spirit: “Let others reject, if they will, at their own peril, this imperishable truth. I believe and am growing more into this belief, that divine, miraculous, creative power resides in the Holy Spirit…. Unless He attend the word in power, vain will be the attempt in preaching…

  • please fail…..

    please fail…..

    RULE #7: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. A lot of people have burned out from this rule. As much as I try to have a high level of excellence in our team one of the things I try to hard to instill our team is that failure is not an option, it is essential. If…