Tag: personal finance

  • Five Ways We Save Money on Food

    Five Ways We Save Money on Food

    A lot of people eat their money. When you ask a person where he spends his money most of the time, the answer would be on FOOD. For a lot of singles, they eat their savings away or should I say drink their financial future away with expensive coffee and dining out. So let me…

  • The Fine Line when it comes to our Money

    The Fine Line when it comes to our Money

    I am excited to announce that the next 4 weeks we will be discussing and preaching on the subject of Money in church. This year, we will be looking at the fine line of handling the money God has given us. What I love about the Bible is that the Scriptures gives us certain guidelines,…

  • Pass the Money

    Pass the Money

    During one of the talks I made overseas among Filipinos, I was talking about handling personal finance. During my talk, I notice there was a man sitting in front crying non-stop. At first I was surprised why he was crying. This was  a first for me to see someone cry when I was teaching on…

  • the price behind the price tag

    the price behind the price tag

    In any purchase I make especially purchases that would require me to shell out more than P10,000 pesos, one of the things I ask is WHAT WOULD BE THE OPPORTUNITY COST of this purchase. During the 90’s my dad purchased a VOLVO CAR, his dream car. The car cost around 1 million pesos. A huge…

  • Denial King and Queen of Finance.. r u one?

    One thing I experienced when i was not in good financial shape was that I had the tendency to deny my present situation. Just like in any problem, we must first admit that we have a problem. Don’t make some crappy excuse that you are going to be fine. I made that mistake. Without careful…