Tag: missional church

  • Pastor Rice Broocks on the Evangelist and the Missional Church

    Pastor Rice Broocks on the Evangelist and the Missional Church

    The Evangelist and the Missional Church Let me offer this definition: “The ministry gift of the Evangelist is given by the Holy Spirit to women and men to preach the gospel to unbelievers and to equip other believers to do the same, while leading the entire community of faith (to which they are connected) to…

  • The Cultural Barrier

    The Cultural Barrier

    I grew up literally in the Christian world. The songs I listen to ( Steve Green, Chapman, Carman, Petra, St james) were not the typical songs people my age listen to during my time. The authors ( Peretti, Dobson, Billy Graham) was not in the Oprah book club. I was living in a different warp…