A video game for church planters
Think God might be calling you to plant a church? What if you’re a 19-year-old undergrad, and planting is still years down the road? How do you prepare in the interim? Introducing Re:Play, our new video game branch. On April 15, the Resurgence will release its first game: Church Planter, based off Pastor Darrin Patrick’s book.…
Finding your preaching voice and fulfilling your ministry
You can’t be someone you are not. As much as I listen to Steven Furtick, Steve Murrell, Mark Driscoll, John Piper and Jeff Eliscupidez – I can’t be them. The seasons when I try to be them especially in their preaching style, I move out of the grace and the calling of what God has…
The Gospel in Every Sermon
How to make Jesus the hero in every preaching? Preach the gospel in every sermon. Mark Dever and Mark Driscoll shares how they do it.
How is Jesus the Hero?
At the start of the year I did a drastc change in how I prepare my message. I had an underlying goal and that goal is to be able to show the people how Jesus is the hero in every text I preach. It has been a radical shift that I am currently learning and…
Books I’ve read this year that I highly recommend
1. The Bible – the Bible continues to amaze me that I can’t help but read it everyday and learn more about God and about myself in light of who God is. I think the Bible is the only book that you can devour and read fully accepting every principle and lesson learned as infallible…