Tag: how to pray

  • Mark 10:46-52 What Do We Want Really?

    Mark 10:46-52 What Do We Want Really?

    Mark 10:46-52 46 And they came to Jericho. And as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 And many rebuked…

  • VLOG: The Power of Practice in Spiritual Discipline

    During the message of Pastor Jim Laffoon at our church in Victory Greenhills, he shared a powerful principle on the power of practice when it comes to spiritual discipline. Enjoy this two minute video and tell me what you think about it! For updates you can follow me on: twitter: https://twitter.com/DennisSiaSy FB: Dennis Sy Instagram: Dennissiasy

  • Don’t Just Pray for, PRAY THROUGH

    I have been reading the book of Isaiah for this week and would be reminded of how big our God is and how He is in control. As we are fasting, I am just reminded that there are times I pray as if God is not that BIG. The Scripture has to continually remind me…

  • The Problem with our Prayers

    The Problem with our Prayers

    The problem with our prayers……… is that we always say WHAT IS and not WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. “Lord, I am in deep trouble. My debt is overwhelming, my wife wants to leave me, my kids are rebelling. Lord I am sad, In Jesus Name, amen.” ” Lord I am in such a financial mess…