Tag: church in the philippines

  • A creative way to announce if your church is full….

    and that you are not allowing people to come in ( for safety and security purposes) but challenging them to be on time or attend the next service.    

  • The Volunteer Diaries: Making the Sunday Experience Rock

    The Volunteer Diaries: Making the Sunday Experience Rock

    Yesterday, churchgoers who arrived early at the Victory Greenhills worship services at 2:30pm, 4:30pm, and 6:30pm got an interesting welcome treat: a small paper cup with little rocks and a strip of paper that read, “Let he who is without sin eat the first stone.” Their reactions were varied and priceless: some stopped in their…

  • Always in a Season

    A letter to Victory Greenhills: Almost 4 years. In 7 months time, we will be entering our 4th year as a church. 4 exciting years that I wouldn’t trade for anything. The past 4 years have been personally a season of pruning, growth, excitement, faith and at times doubt, and trusting in Jesus. People would…


    Here is the first week of the sermon STRONG. Dedicate this to all men who are raring to pursue the girl God has prepared for them!!! Enjoy and be strong!!

  • Being ACTS church

    Being ACTS church

    For this year, I was asking the Lord where He wants to lead the church. God gave me 3 words for the church aside from aggressively making disciples of all nations which I think should be a given for every church plant. One of the word was that our church would be like the Acts…