Tag: andy stanley

  • Better before Bigger

    Better before Bigger

    Last Tuesday our team listened to Andy Stanley’s latest leadership podcast on why we need to be better and not bigger. He talks about how as we get better people demand that we get bigger. A lot of times we do it the other way around – we plan to get bigger without even planning…

  • Fasting Day 1: Directions and Intentions

    Fasting Day 1: Directions and Intentions

    Everybody has good intentions. Nobody sets out with a bad intention in mind. We have new goals, new dreams to start the new year but what set aparts people from having a great year is not their intentions. It is the direction that we choose to walk towards that determines our destination. Andy Stanley said…

  • 30 books that shaped me

    30 books that shaped me

    Everybody knows I love books. My house is literally a bookstore. Not only do I love reading books – I collect them. If others collect game cards, other cars – I collect books. So here are th 30 books that shaped me 1. BIBLE – I’ve read it from cover to cover every year since…

  • the best question ever????

    the best question ever????

    Inspired by the book of Andy Stanley that I read 2 years ago yhat has totally revolutioned my life and how I decide by asking the best question ever – what is the wise thing for me to do?, I developed a message to help people ask the same question that would help them make…