Tag: 2012

  • Pastor D’s letter to Victory Greenhills: The year of ……..

    Pastor D’s letter to Victory Greenhills: The year of ……..

    For the past two years it has been quite easy for God to communicate what he wanted the church to move in for the year. Two years ago, the word was EXTREME GENEROSITY and did we see God move in our church as the spirit of God touched the people to move in radical generosity.…

  • So is Jesus coming back on 2012?

    So is Jesus coming back on 2012?

    Since May 21 ended and Jesus hasn’t come back, we can now say that Harold Camping is a false teacher. So the next question is, ” Is Jesus coming back in 2012?” It is amazing how people are fascinated with the end times. We all want to know. From books trying to decipher the end…