sunday rewind march 15
– church today was awesome!– Johann led worship in our New Manila campus and he was GRREAATTT!!!– Struggled a bit with my message.– our 3pm service at Music Museum had less people than the usual– improved my message for 3pm.– prayer is such a broad topic to preach, so I had to adjust and focus…
The WOW stories are the things that pushes us to be excellent! And I’m not just talking about people leaving church saying WOW, we’ve experienced God!I’m talking about God pleased with the worship of His people. The WOW factor means – Wow, the ushers were extra friendly. They shook my hand, helped the elderly, they…
church is boring week 1
CHURCH IS BORING FOR THE FF REASONS 1. When people have a misconception what a church really is. A church is not a building, it is not a worship program. When I hear the word church, I see people. I see friends. I see relationships. 2. Since church is people, a church is boring if…
If you want to know why we started to plant a church then ask: Why did I planted this church? What were our vision and values? Who are we reaching out to? It pays to revisit why we started church.