Sunday Rewind # 1
– I missed pacquiao’s fight again. – had our last morning service in New Manila. We would be renovating it to become the HUB for college students in the area. I am excited for the future of our ministry in New Manila. – our youth workers are doing a great job. Hats off to the…
organized chaos
to be an authentic community – we need to experience friction, chaos and conflict. We can’t settle for unspoken matters. I have had conflicts for the past 1 year and 6 months pastoring the church. Some were handled well, some were terribly handled. It is part of the learning process in building authentic community. Our…
judges 1
here is what I wrote on my journal after reading Judges 1 DRIVE OUT EVERY DISTRACTION OR SIN. DON’T LET THEM STAY. The things you know that are distractions would eat you up slowly if you don’t take it away. Are there any sin in me that I need to get rid of? Lust, unforgiveness,…
10 qualifications of a church planter
Ten Church Planter Essential Qualifications By Pastor Scott Thomas, Acts 29 Director This is a longer blog than normal, but these are the notes from my talk at Exponential 2009 in an effort to serve those who attended and wanted to engage dialogically in the conversation live. The Power Point Handout is found here. Introduction…
need for speed
How is the evangelistic atmosphere in your church? How is the motivation of your staff and volunteer? How is the risk level of your team? THE SPEED OF THE LEADER IS THE SPEED OF THE TEAM. Pastors, we create the atmosphere in our church. Our people would only go as far as our leadership.