4 kinds of Preaching Style
I will be teaching later in our School of Campus Ministry. I am excited to have a chance to speak to my fellow workers about a topic I am passionate about – preaching. The Bible puts a high premium on preaching. 2 Tim 4:2 commands us to ministers to PREACH THE WORD. There are 4…
too much “I” in IndIvIdual
Rene Descartes declared “I think therefore I am.” In our age today – we have put too much premium on the word I. I am the solution to the problem. I am the overcomer. I am the source of my own happiness. God made it clear from the beginning that “I” won’t survive. ¶ The…
so tell me how do you define church?
If you ask people what word pops out of their mind once they hear the word church, guarantee you would get thousands of answers. Ask pastors and church planters and you will also get the same results. Looking through the local bookstore on books about church you would see so many type of churches from…
great links
One of the things that I do almost everyday is check out my favorite bloggers and learn from them. Here are some GREAT reads 1. Seth Godin on taking risk; Also a blog on why you matter 2. Joshua Cody blogs about the effect of Christian protestors 3. Derek Sivers on why we have to…
The upside of inexperience by Mark Batterson
THIS IS A MUST READ. REPOSTING A BLOG BY MARK BATTERSON You’re too young and inexperienced.” I Samuel 17:33. That is what Saul said to David when he wanted to challenge Goliath. And it was true, IF David had tried to engage Goliath in a conventional sword fight. But David changed the rules. He didn’t…