Extreme Generosity
Dec 31, 2009 around 1030pm I was chatting with Pastor Chinkee when both of us felt like we have to practice and preach extreme generosity to the church for 2010. With so many bleak news on economy and finances – i felt like as a church we have to move in the opposite spirit and…
on separation of church and state
With the elections around the corner, Brother Eddie running, and some party list making noise by suggesting that marriage license should be renewable every 10 years ( what a good excuse to get out of your commitment, more on that on my future blog) one of the hot topics is the separation of the church…
the 90 day challenge
At the start of the year I came across a reading plan that would take you through the whole Bible for 90 days. I felt like this was a great challenge that I need to take. I talked with Pastor Chinkee and Pastor Larry to do it with me. For the longest time – since…
Lemonade and Evangelism
How do you best engage people with the gospel? How do you make people listen to the gospel? Some tried tract distribution ( and most tracts find their way to the trash). No offense to the people doing it… just saying…. Some tried preaching on the streets, some tried crying out doomsday prophecies and fear…
Fasting Day 4: Obedience is Wisdom
Going through NUMBERS now and got to read a very interesting story about Korah, the guy who incited a rebellion against Moses. After the parting of the Red Sea, the manna from heaven, the quails that could feed a million people every day – Korah had the guts to rebel against God. God opened up…