Category: Uncategorized

  • Five Types of Dysfunctions Among Pastors

    According to Larry Stockstill, senior pastor of Bethany World Prayer Center list down 5 common dysfunctions among ministers today: 1. Lack of Fathering – there is no affirmation, encouragement or spiritual covering. 2. Lack of Correction – no accountabilty resulting in pride and moral failure. 3. Lack of Fruitfulness – no training in evangelism and…

  • The Holy Spirit is not For Sale

    The book I am currently reading is by J Lee Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine, entitled The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale: Rekindling the Power of God in an Age of Compromise, and I believe this is one powerful book every Christian leader needs to read. In his chapter on the Fire of the…

  • The Holy Spirit is not just WAM, BAM, ZAP

    Most of us who have watched the Christian channel might be exposed to TV evangelist laying hands on people and being slained in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is like a force that cannot be stopped. I think such analogy is unfair. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is not a force but a person. He…

  • Holy Spirit’s Power

    Here is an excerpt from William Seymour on the power of the Holy Spirit Before Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the unction of the Holy Spirit that sustained them until they received the Holy Ghost baptism. Many People today are filled with joy and gladness, but they are far from the enduement of power.…

  • Don’t Say the Holy Spirit is just an option!

    The Holy Spirit is necessary, essential, a must if we want to awaken the hearts of sinners and sleeping Christians. We cannot afford not to move in the Holy Spirit. The only way we can become dangerous again is to be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to do His work in…