Category: Uncategorized

  • UN-Forgiveness

    Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and wishing that your enemy dies. I don’t see any win-win situation with unforgiveness and bitterness Heb. 12:15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Here are the downside of unforgiveness:…

  • Sunday Rewind #29

    Sunday Rewind #29

    – finish up our Victory Weekend this morning and baptized 40 people today. It is always a joy to see people acknowledge their faith publicly. – really love serving with our pastors at Greenhills. – lunch with Pastor Larry at Peri-Peri. We finished a whole chicken ( but no rice) – worship was powerful. Johann,…

  • The Cultural Barrier

    The Cultural Barrier

    I grew up literally in the Christian world. The songs I listen to ( Steve Green, Chapman, Carman, Petra, St james) were not the typical songs people my age listen to during my time. The authors ( Peretti, Dobson, Billy Graham) was not in the Oprah book club. I was living in a different warp…

  • The Missional Church

    For those of us who have our sights set on reaching secular people in our increasingly post Christian society, we must step back and figure out what our mission field’s cultural landscape looks like. – Mittleberg Now is a high time to be missional in our thinking. If you are a church planter, there is…

  • value blogs and tweets

    Starting today I will be more intentional in my blogging. The reason I started my own site was to chronicle the church plant adventures and the lessons ( mistakes and great things) that we have done. The heart of my site was to inform, exchange notes and bless my fellow church planters, pastors of churches…