• I Don’t need God

    Ok – here is the last rule that you need to break.  I don’t need God to succeed. How many people have climbed up the ladder of success only to find out that it does not mean anything? Life in the top is not as what we expect it to be. We thought success would…

  • rule 9 to break: be perfect

    rule 9 to break: be perfect

    Whoah! You want me to mess it up big time and not embrace perfectness? Yes – if it overtaking your authenticity and your personality as a church. HUH? Perfect doesn’t always mean WOW. Let me give you some real life examples from the church world. Cathedrals and church buildings that are well maintained but are…

  • top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    My blog yesterday – FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION, I made a promise to write my top 10 mistake as a church planter. Here it goes 10. Tried to put too much gimmick I sometimes forgot that I have to preach the Word. 9. Trying to be like other churches when God has called us…

  • please fail…..

    please fail…..

    RULE #7: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. A lot of people have burned out from this rule. As much as I try to have a high level of excellence in our team one of the things I try to hard to instill our team is that failure is not an option, it is essential. If…

  • rule 6 revisited

    As what I said in my post, ask questions. Some might say – really but my boss or bizmates are pissed when I ask too much question. So where do I draw the line? Here are some guidelines: 1. Ask yourself why do i ask questions? Is it because I was not paying attention when…