I would rather have a bad game plan that is well executed than a well thought plan not is not executed. A bad game plan can be changed. A plan that is executed shows you have what it takes to execute a game plan. BUT not executing a well game plan shows something about our…
The Dumbest Question
The dumbest question is the question that you don’t ask. How many mistakes have I made because I did not care to ask. Do not be afraid to ask if you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to ask after you have done everything and still don’t know the answer. Jesus said ” You do not…
Promoted too soon
Every time we promote a leader we need to be sure he/she has been faithful in the small things because once we’ve promoted someone or empowered someone it is hard to unempower that person. Luke 16:10 ¶ “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest…
Take the blame, give the credit
When something bad happens in church – take responsibility. Take the blame. When a volunteer messes up in public- take the blame but talk to the volunteer privately. When a staff did not come through – take the blame publicly, reprimand privately. When something great happens – give the credit to your staff, leaders and…
The Law of Attraction
Okay – this is not a TONY ROBBINSish blog or a new age blog. This is also not a blog on how I was able to marry a beautiful woman This is how we get to attract people to volunteer in church. 1. VISION – it should be a big vision. People want to matter…