• RUN50 with Pastor Ferdie Cabiling

    RUN50 with Pastor Ferdie Cabiling

    The man who discipled and pastored me, Pastor Ferdie Cabiling, also known as @therunningpastor, is on his 5th day of run as of today. Pastor Ferdie decided to run across the Philippines as he turned 50 last September 8, for the benefit of the Real Life Foundation‘s 250 scholars. Pastor Ferdie aims to raise 2…

  • Three Powerful Lessons A Son Learned from His Dad

    Three Powerful Lessons A Son Learned from His Dad

    I officiated a wedding last Saturday morning of my friend Christian Bobis Neslie. During the ceremony, they took the time to honour and respect their parents which are an awesome thing to do during weddings. Christian honored his dad who was a single dad because his mom passed away. Christian mentioned three things that he…

  • Don’t Focus on the Bad 1%

    Don’t Focus on the Bad 1%

    I was listening to a speech made by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma to a group of students and he described the weight of his work and how he succeeded in business in spite of the problems he faced as a businessman. He said that his company Alibaba serves  500,000,000 customers. If you have 1% bad…

  • An Open Letter to the Next Generation of Christian Leaders

    Dear Next Generation Leader, Hi, my name is Dennis, and I am a church planter and senior pastor of Victory Greenhills for the past 7 years. I  was raised and discipled in church since I was six years old. I have seen and served many godly men and pastors and got the call to be…